2023 Baby Names - Boy Names & Girl Names
Edo and Nigerian Names and Meaning common in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria
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7 Vowels 17 Single Consonants 8 Double Consonants
sounds like the first
letter of
Apple B
sounds like the first
letter of
Bell GB
sounds like the first
letters of
sounds like the first
letter of
Able D
sounds like the first
letter of
Dark GH
sounds like the first
letters of
sounds like the first
letter of
Egg F
sounds like the first
letter of
Fell KH
sounds like the first
letter of
sounds like the first
letter of
Eve G
sounds like the first
letter of
Gear KP
sounds like the first
letters of
sounds like the first
letter of
Over H
sounds like the first
letter of
Hello MW
sounds like the first 
letter of
sounds like the first
letter of
Organ K
sounds like the first
letter of
Kettle RH
sounds like the first
letters of
sounds like the first
letter of
Who L
sounds like the first
letter of
Lake RR
sounds like
sounds like the first
letter of
sounds like the first
letter of
sounds like the first
letter of
sounds like the first
letter of
sounds like the first
letter of
sounds like the first
letter of
sounds like the first
letter of
sounds like the first
letter of
sounds like the first
letter of
sounds like the first
letter of
sounds like the first
letter of
NameShort GenderMeaning & Occasion
 Abieyuwa Yuwa, UwaUnisexBorn into prosperity
 Adesuwa AdeUsually FemaleIn the center or midst of progress, prosperity
 Akugbe Usually FemaleTogetherness, unity, oneness
 Amenaghawon AmenUnisexThe water you shall drink (Destiny)
 Amenze AmenUsually FemaleRiver Water, always calm and brings order into a chaotic situation
iEdosa UnisexThe day of God
iEfe UnisexWealth
iEfosaiEfeUsually MaleGod’s wealth
iEghosaiEgheUnisexGod’s time or Time of God
iEhigiatoriEhiUsually MaleThe spirit allows us to live long or to last
iEhimwenmaiEhiUnisexMy spirit or guardian angel is good
iEhiosuiEhiUnisexThe spirit or angel protects or leads
iEhizogieiEhi, ZogieUnisexThe spirit or angel installs titles or status
iEkinadoeseiEki, NadoeseUnisexOne who does good deeds
iEkiuwaiEki, UwaUnisexThe deed that brings or leads to prosperity
 Emwinghare GhareUnisexEnd of situations appear to be in doubt (have faith & be prepared)
 Erharuyi UyiUsually MaleRespect of a father, or your father is lifted high
iEsohe Usually FemaleA free gift
iEsomo Usually FemaleA gift of a child
iEsosa Usually FemaleGod’s gift
 Idehen Usually MaleI have fallen on solid or very secured foundation
 Idemudia MudiaMaleStability (I came standing – usually for sons who came out of the womb with their feet)
 Ifueko Usually FemaleGentle, moderation, careful
 Ighayezomo EzomoUnisexI will still celebrate the birth of a child
 Imadeyunuagbon ImadeUnisexI did not enter the world by mistake (I have a purpose in life)
 Imudiase MudiaMaleStability (I stood well)
 Isiuwa UwaUnisexThe center of prosperity
 Isoken Usually FemaleSatisfaction
 Itohan Usually FemaleMercy
 Ivie FemalePrecious, precious beads 
 Iyekoetin IyekeUnisexThe back or support group is strength 
 Iziegbe Usually FemalePatience
 Izoduwa OduwaUnisexI have chosen the path of prosperity
 Izogie UnisexLaughter (Isaac), I choose laughter
 Jesuobo Usually MaleJesus is the magician or miracle worker


 Nekpen UnisexGentle
 Nosakhare NosaUsually MaleWhat God has said
 Oghogho UnisexJoy
iOmoragboniOmoUsually MaleA child is life or continuity of life, existence or humanity
iOmoregbeiOmoUsually MaleA child is family or Children make up a family
iOmoruyi  UyiUsually MaleA child lifted on high or respected
iOmosefeiOmoEfeUnisexA child is greater than wealth
iOmosighoiOmoUnisexA child is life or continuity of life, existence or humanity
iOmoyemweniOmoUsually FemaleI appreciate or admire a child
iOmozuwa ZuwaUsually MaleA child should chooses prosperity
 Osadebamwen DebaUnisexGod is with me
 Osagiemwenagbon OsagieUsually MaleGod sent me into the world
 Osarenmwindamwen OsarenmwindaUsually MaleGod knows what I lack or fervently desire/seek
 Osaretin Usually MaleGod is my strength, or God is strength
 Osariemen UnisexGod gave to me
 Osarobo Usually FemaleGod is the magician or a miracle worker
 Osarodion Usually MaleGod is the senior or is supreme
 Osarumwense MaleGod treated or treats me well
 Osasere Usually FemaleGod is supreme
 Osasumwen SumwenUnisexGod escorts me, God protects me, God is with me
 Osatohanmwen OsatoUnisexGod has or had mercy on me
 Osawe Usually MaleGods says or decides
 Osayemwenre Usually FemaleGod remembers me
 Osayimwense YimwenMaleGod made or created me well
 Osayomore Usually MaleGod remembers a child or children
 Osayuware Yuwa, YuwareUnisexGod remembered or remembers us
 Osaze Usually MaleGod Chooses
 Osazuwa ZuwaUsually MaleGod chooses prosperity, progress
 Osemwengie Usually MaleIt is describable, like a title
 Otasowie Ota, OwieUnisexThere is always a new beginning for the better (evening to morning)
 Usiosefe Usi, EfeMaleGood name is superior to or better than riches/wealth
 Uyiosa UyiUsually MaleRespect of God, or God be praised or lifted high

The book is meant for people who are hopeful but seem not to have yet found their purpose on earth. This book will help enable people and communities to progress with a peace of mind towards their destiny.

Need daily devotion materials for you and your family early in the morning or late at night? I used this daily at night to instruct my children about want I expect from them now and into the future. We pray about the devotional message to a higher power, which makes them feel that the expectation is an achievable goal. It is very good at helping you and your family stay focused in improving your quality of life and making better decisions. Always use this daily!

Edo Baby Names: