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English to Edo Dictionary

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Alphabet "K" - Key, King, Knee, Knife, Kitchen ...


English Edo English Sentences Edo Sentences English Translations
Key, Keys  Isiaren Kitchen keys  Isiaren oghe ukoni Keys of kitchen
King iOba Our King iOba oghe ma King of us
Kitchen, Kitchens  Ukoni Is this a kitchen?  Ukoni na khin? Kitchen is this? 
Knee, Knees  Igbon Kneel on the ground  Mu igbon ye oto Put knee on ground
kneel  dighue They knelt down for the elders  Iyan dighue ne eniwanren They knelt for elders
Knife, Knives  Eho The small knife  Eho ne khere Knife the small
know  hen He/she is book smart (intelligent) iO hen ebe He/she know book
Kolanut, Kolanuts iEvbe The old woman is eating kolanut  Edede rrie evbe Old woman eat kolanut