Edo Alphabet "VB" - Location, Wrestle, Cry, Ripe, Full ...
View ShopEdo | English | Edo Sentences | English Translations | English Sentences |
vbe | in | Vbe esuku | In school | In school |
vbe | location reference | Vbe eke no khin? | Where place is this? | Where is the venue? |
vbe | time reference | Vbe eghe no khin? | What time is this? | What time will it start? |
vbe | also | We vbe tota | You also sit down | You also sit down |
vbe | at | Vbe owa | At home | At home |
vben | wrestle | Osagie vben gbe | Osagie wrestles/fights too much | Osagie wrestles/fights too much |
vbie | cry | Okhuo na wa vbie | Woman is very cry | This woman is crying a lot |
vbiere | sleep | iOmo vbiere | Child sleep | The child is sleeping |
vbo | how | Vbo a ya wo na he? | How to do is this | How is this done? How do you do this? |
vbo | where | Asan vbo? | Cane where? | Where is the cane? |
vbo | ripe | iOghede no vbo | Plantain that ripe | Ripe plantain |
vbo | what | Vbo na khin? | What is this? | What is this? |
vbo ye he? | how are you? | Usi vbo ye he? | Usi how you are? | Usi, how are you? |
vbokan | scream | iEki vbokan yan ibvie ere | Eki screamed on children her | Eki screamed on her children |
vbon | full | iEko vbon mwen | Belly full my | My belly is full |